The Advisory Committee
Katrina Siks
Co - Founder
Brian Innes
Advisory Committee Member
Dana Dragomir
Advisory Committee Member
Tony Zappia
Advisory Committee Member
Philipp-Clemens Nowotny
Advisory Committee Vice Chair
Jenna Geldart
Advisory Committee Member
Beth Martin
Advisory Committee Member
Camille Péloquin
Advisory Committee Member
Join our Advisory Committee!
We are seeking 1-2 more members with expertise in one or more areas:
Student Placements
A student placement is an unpaid educational experience that students are required to complete for their educational program.
Hidden Harvest is dedicated to providing students with the opportunity to learn about the infrastructure and legal means for people to access the edible fruit and nut trees that surround them.
Our supervisors are excited to help our students throughout their placement experience! Learn more about who we are and what we do by visiting our about us page or learn about our different volunteer opportunities.
Reach out to us on our contact page if you are interested in completing a student placement with us!